Nov. 4 Election Results

Travis County has posted results from the November 4 election here. Races where no candidate reached 50%, the top two candidates will proceed to a run-off election.

The run-off election will be held Tuesday, November 16.

We surveyed all of the candidates for their position on open government and civic technology issues. See our candidate page for information on the survey.

The results from the election, with links to candidate questionnaire responses are:

Stephen Adler
Mike Martinez

Place 1:
Ora Houston (did not respond)
DeWayne Lofton (did not respond)

Place 2:
Delia Garza (no run-off needed for Place 2)

Place 3:
Susana Almanza (did not respond)
Pio Renteria (did not respond)

Place 4:
Greg Casar
Laura Pressley (did not respond)

Place 5:
Ann Kitchen (no run-off needed for Place 5)

Place 6:
Jimmy Flannigan
Don Zimmerman (did not respond)

Place 7:
Jeb Boyt
Leslie Pool

Place 8:
Edward Scruggs (did not respond)
Ellen Troxclair (did not respond)

Place 9:
Chris Riley
Kathie Tovo

Place 10:
Mandy Dealey
Sheri Gallo (did not respond)